Key Verse: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12, NIV)
Prayer Point: That God’s people would live as light in a dark world.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, Your word says that “We are now light in the Lord” and You command that we must “Live as children of light.” We ask Lord that the fruit of light, consisting of goodness, righteousness, and truth, would be evident in our lives. We lament the characteristics of our age that give darkness a foothold. It is a time where “good causes” flit in and out of fashion like stories on our Facebook news feed; where the concepts of leadership and integrity are seldom on speaking terms, and a commonly held view is that morality is subjective. We ask that You would enable us to be countercultural. We ask that You would enable us to be light in the world and to glorify You through our lives. Amen.